Midwest AF

Midwest AF trailer

Season 1 Episode 0

Welcome to Midwest AF! We’re two gals living in Portland, Oregon, who are navigating the Pacific Northwest with our Midwestern (and sometimes, not-so-Midwestern) sensibilities.

We're Liz and Jen, and we both grew up in the same city, went to the same Catholic school, and were roomies in college. After college, Jen married her high school boyfriend while Liz moved to Chicago where she eventually met her wife. We've stayed pals through the years, and in 2021, we happened to both end up finding ourselves living in the same city again!

Liz moved to Portland in 2019, and when Jen arrived two years later, she was so excited to witness  Portland through another Midwesterner's eyes. This is where the idea for this podcast was born.

Portland is wild, and there's a lot to take in, no matter who you are or where you're from. In each episode, we'll recount an adventure we go on, offering our unique perspective as Kansas transplants who are doing our best to take it all in with an open mind. 

Whether you're a Midwesterner, a Pacific Northwesterner, or a transplant of any kind, we hope this podcast offers you some laughs and maybe opens your mind a little. Our are certainly getting a workout!

Please officially FOLLOW or SUBSCRIBE to the show so you get updated about new episodes. (This also helps us grow our listenership!)

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